Where are my database query error logs?

I am having issues getting data from database. No error is displayed on webpage but no data either. I need to check my database query error logs in PHPMyAdmin. Please tell me soon as I need to get my work within a deadline. Thank You.

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Yeah it is on. But where can i see the logs?

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yes this is exactly what i wanted. thank you so much.

but there’s a problem -

the instructions there say :

Current settings
slow_query_log and general_log are disabled.
** log_output is not set to TABLE.**
You can’t change these variables. Please log in as root or contact your database administrator.

I need to see the logs. I need the log output. What should I do ?

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yes… so now will i have to pay for it ??

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@rahulpakhare Upgrade to premium to premium to avoid these issues.